black mouth cur and poodle next to each other

Black Mouth Curdoodle: The Black Mouth Cur Poodle Mix

What do you get when you cross a Poodle with a Black Mouth Cur? A family dog, athlete, and hunter with a black nose and a muscular build.

In this article, I’ll explore the Black Mouth Curdoodle along with both parent breeds and what you can expect in this mix.

Check it out!

What is a Black Mouth Curdoodle?

As the name suggests, the breed is a cross between a Black Mouth Cur and a Poodle.

History of the Parent Breeds

In the following section, I will discuss the history and origins of the parent breeds. This will give us a better understanding of the traits and characteristics of this unique designer mix.

Black Mouth Cur

Black Mouth Cur dog sitting on the steps inside a house
Black Mouth Cur

The origins of the Black Mouth Cur are inconclusive. However, we do know that they originated in the American South, most likely in Mississippi or Tennessee [1] They are probably descendants of European or Asian Cur dogs. Early settlers brought them to North America to help build the new frontier.

Pioneers needed a tough and loyal companion to hunt the rugged terrain, herd livestock, and ward off dangerous animals [2] The Black Mouth Cur served as farm help from Florida to Texas. Some say Westward expansion by European settlers would have been impossible without them.

Colonizers bred members of the cur family with other dogs as needed. However, they kept no known record of their breeding history. Consequently, their exact origins are muggy. As a result, many variations of the Black Mouth Cur exist.

For instance, the Alabama Black Mouth Cur is known for its red coloration, and the Florida Black Mouth Cur is recognizable by its yellow coat [3]

Because of their mysterious origins, many kennels, including the American Kennel Club, do not officially recognize the breed. The United Kennel Club, on the other hand, acknowledge them as a unique breed. Many others, like United Kennel Club, even consider them purebred despite the unknowns of their origin [4]

We can say, however, that they first appeared in the mid-nineteenth century [5] They most likely descend from Europe or Asia. They are universal working dogs. And as a nation, we are indebted to their hunting, herding, and protective instincts.

Lastly, The Black Mouth Cur is loyal to their master. And while they are capable and hardworking, they are also sensitive. A firm yet “gentle hand” is best in training. Successful owners train them while young to bridle their passion for hunting, herding, and tendency toward aggressive behavior.


Adult black-colored standard Poodle sitting on the beach
Standard Poodle

The Poodle originated in France and Germany. In Germany, they pronounce it “Pudel.” And in French, it is “Caniche.” There are four types based on size: Standard, Medium, Miniature, and Toy Poodle.

Historically, hunters bred standard Poodles to retrieve waterfowl. Some Poodles performed in the circus in France. They first stepped paw on American soil in the 19th century but did not become popular until after World War II [6] In the mid-’50s, they were ranked the most popular companion dog and held that title for 20 years [7]

Poodles are not just elegant creatures; they are athletes. You can participate in all kinds of recreational activities with Poodles.

“I can go running with him, hiking, go through obstacle courses…Very wonderful, funny, playful dogs.”

Poodle owner

Poodles require at least an hour of exercise a day. This time leaves a lot of creativity to find something you both enjoy!

Pro Tip: Become an expert and read the comprehensive guide to the Poodle dog breed.

Poodles are also skilled hunters. They are great duck hunters since they were bred to hunt waterfowl. They also love anything to do with the water.

How much living space do Poodles need? “They are not suited for apartment living but don’t need much space,” one owner says. They are generally calm indoors, but only if they’ve had their exercise. If that is the case, most are content to lounge around or play with toys (preferably with you!)

Did you know Poodles are beautiful and bright? They are the second most intelligent after border collies. They thrive in obedience school because they crave learning.

However, their brilliant mind also has a downside: they need a lot of stimulation. Whether outdoor exercise or playtime, they need it to function at their best. Otherwise, they may get bored and destructive when they have not exercised or have nothing to do.

A personal plug for Poodles

Many, like myself, view Poodles as fancy “Fru Fru” creatures with whimsical haircuts and regal poses at dog shows. Yet, despite their royal pomp and circumstance, I have observed that they are fantastic family dogs. After spending a week with them while staying with a family, I learned they are normal canines, not as “stiff” as I thought.

They play, splash around, are not afraid to get their paws dirty, chase squirrels, and play fetch like any other. Moreover, I’ve also observed that their emotional sensitivity is through the rough—(well, “ruff!”).

They also have the perfect balance of showing affection—cuddly but not smothering. Finally, I have also learned that Poodles are surprisingly nurturing. I watched a one-year-old squeeze their fur and bat at their eyes and remain in the same laying down position, completely comfortable.


Black Mouth Curs are a powerful, agile dog of medium size [8] Essentially, a canine bodybuilder. Given the name, their snout has black coloration in contrast to the rest of the body, which typically has lighter tones ranging from beige-ish-white to yellow and red.

Their broad base triangular ears are dark in color, sit high, and drop. Hair is short. The body is square and slightly taller than long [9] Their tail is straight, set low, and varies in length [10]

Poodles have coats of many colors. These may include but are not limited to apricot, black, blue, cream, gray, silver, white, red, silver beige, and all shades of brown, including cafe-au-lait. Spots may come in any of these colors, too.

Coats are curly. Snouts pronounced. Ears are long, drop, and densely feathered [11] Many wear their hair in a rounded tuft on the head, ankles, and tail end. With this kind of haircut, it’s no wonder they walk with pride and dignity.

Now, I’ll discuss the Black Mouth Cur-Poodle Mix. Remember that the specific color or size depends on the parent breeds. Talk to your breeder about the parent dogs for more specifics.

Coat Type

A Black Mouth Curdoodle would have short and, possibly, curly hair. They would shed very little since a Poodle is hypoallergenic, and the Black Mouth Cur has short hair. So there is a possibility of it being a hypoallergenic dog.

The level of grooming would depend on the cost, length, and type. The more Poodle-like, the more grooming.


They need to be groomed regularly and brushed every day, “This is the only time I see their hair come out!” one owner claims. The one downside is that Poodles do not lose their hair easily.

Therefore, you must treat them like sheep and get them sheared every 6-8 weeks. Dedication to their grooming is necessary to prevent the dreaded “matting,” when hair grows into thick clumps close to the dog’s skin. It requires a close shave and is not pretty.

Coat Colors

Here are the possible colors for a Black Cur-Poodle Mix:

  • Apricot
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Café au Lait
  • Caramel
  • Chocolate
  • Cream (or crème)
  • Gold
  • Gray
  • Red
  • Silver
  • Tan
  • White

They may be one solid color, or multi-colored. There is the possibility for their coats to take on unique coat patterns such as merle, brindle, phantom, parti, or tuxedo.


The following ranges are for the height of an adult Black Mouth Curdoodle.

Toy: 12-18 inches

Mini: 17-20 inches

Medium – Standard: 18-24 inches


The following ranges estimate the weight of an adult Black Mouth Curdoodle, based on the different types.

Toy: 12-25 pounds

Mini: 20-30 pounds

Medium – Standard: 40-60 pounds

*Weight range includes total range between male and female.

Traits and Characteristics

Traits and characteristics of the black mouth cur-poodle mix


The Black Mouth Curdoodle is agile, loyal, intelligent, and protective. Great addition as a family dog but may not be ideal for small children. However, they would be affectionate family dogs with older children if trained to overcome aggressive behaviors and potential prey drive while young.

The Black Mouth Cur-Poodle mix may or not interact well with others at times. That trait depends on the parents’ personality and temperament. Generally, this breed should be friendly towards others.

You can almost guarantee they will be familiar with you as their owner! Remember, due to the high sensitivity and intelligence of both breeds combined. A gentle hand is best when training.

Common Health Issues

Arthritis: Arthritis is common among most medium to large dogs. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints, particularly in the hips, elbows, lower back, knees, and wrists. The most common form of arthritis in dogs is osteoarthritis.

This condition includes joint use inflammation and slow degeneration of one or more joints. Unfortunately, there is no cure. It requires a diagnosis, and treatments may include physical therapy and pain management.

This condition is usually chronic. Talk to your vet if you see signs of arthritis, including slow movement, stiffness, or limping.

Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a loose hip that makes moving painful. Like growing pains, it happens periodically during the growth stages of development.

It could reoccur as an issue in old age or if the dog is overweight or due to overuse. Talk to your vet if you notice signs of hip pain. Also common among medium to large dogs.

Preventative Care for their joints, especially the hip, is crucial for their longevity. In addition, a nutritious diet and regular exercise will help. Keeping an appropriate weight is also recommended for long-term health.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy: While the breed is typically healthy, Black Mouth Curdoodles are at a higher risk of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) from their Poodle parent. PRA is a disease that causes incremental deterioration of vision.


The Black Mouth Cur-Poodle mix has a lifespan of 12-15 years.

Final Thoughts

The Black Mouth Curdoodle a family-friendly dog, a hunter, and an athlete. They are the perfect fit for a family (with older children), high-adventure couple, or solo hunter. Truly a one-of-a-kind Doodle.

Check out other types of Poodle mixes with my in-depth guide to the Doodle breeds!

Kevin is a proud Bernedoodle owner and Doodle dog fanatic. Read how a chance encounter with two Bernedoodles spurred a lifelong passion here. If you want to get in contact with Kevin, you can send him a message.