Phantom is a unique pattern of two colors that is seen in some Goldendoodles. The Phantom coat is distinguished by a primary coat color, such as black, with accents of a secondary color on different regions.
image: @daisy_thephantomdoodle
image: @keathephantomgoldendoodle
How does a Goldendoodle get Phantom coloring?
The Phantom Goldendoodle is a type of Goldendoodle that comes in different color combinations, with its primary color being either black, red, chocolate, or silver.
image: @violet.vito.victor
Dogs’ coat colors, patterns, textures, and lengths vary greatly. All of these characteristics are impacted mainly by genes acquired from parents.
This type of Goldendoodle comes with a black coat color with a secondary color of either red, cream, gray, silver, apricot, or brown.
image: @Reese
The two coat colors are usually silver and cream. This means that the dog’s primary color coat pattern is silver.
image: @keathephantomgoldendoodle
The chocolate Phantom Goldendoodle has a chocolate or dark brown coat as its primary color.
image: @campdoodlewoods